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  4. How do I add a Wi-Fi network?

How do I add a Wi-Fi network?

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In order to provide more accurate workplace occupancy data and fewer pop-ups for users working outside the office, you can add Wi-Fi names in the FlexWhere Control Centre. Working with Citrix, VMware, RDP or VPN, for example, FlexWhere sets the user’s status to “Remote” if they are not on an office Wi-Fi network.

Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Sign in to FlexWhere Control Center;
  2. Go to the “Settings” menu;
  3. Go to the tab ‘Organisation’;
  4. Go to ‘Security’ and in the IP whitelist, choose an existing IP address or create a new one using ‘+’;
  5. Enter the Wi-Fi name(s) you want to add. You can add up to 25 Wi-Fi names for one IP address, separated by a comma;
  6. Click on “Save.

Note: If you want to add the Wi-Fi names in your organization, make sure you add them all at once, otherwise the status of the users present in the office will be incorrectly set to “Remote.”

Only if you are an admin you are able to add Wi-Fi names in the Control Centre.

Read also: How do I add an IP address?

Updated on 17-05-2024
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