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How do I make a booking for someone else?

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Booking for a colleague is booked for the Desk Planner role. An employee in this role can do this as follows.

  1. Open the FlexWhere Web App(organizationname.flexwhere.com);
  2. Select the correct location;
  3. Go to the correct floor;
  4. Right-click on the workstation you want to book;
  5. Give the booking a recognisable name;
  6. Select the time the booking goes into effect;
  7. Indicate whether you want this as a repeated booking;
  8. Click on ‘book’;
  9. Your booking is now complete.

Note: If you want to cancel a booking you have made for a colleague, please go to ‘My Bookings’. Here you can see an overview of all bookings. Look here under the heading “Group Bookings” and cancel the desired booking.

Also read: How can I make a group booking?

Updated on 01-11-2023
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