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What are the different statuses users can have?

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Using the search bar, you can directly search for a colleague or type in first aid, for example, to directly search for a trained colleague. A user’s profile shows the data that is available and here the status is also visible. So here you can instantly see if a user has reserved a spot today, is currently occupying a spot, is working from home or is unavailable.

  • At Office; The user currently occupies a workstation and will be working in the office.
  • Reserved ; The user has reserved a workstation and is likely to be in the office today.
  • Not available ; The user has not indicated for today if they are coming to the office.
  • In Office ; The user is in the office because he/she occupies a workstation, or is active with his/her laptop in the specified IP address and connected to the appropriate Wifi name.
  • At Office , Unknown location ; The user is in the office but does not occupy a workstation at this time.
  • Reserved ; The user has reserved a spot for today, so is probably in the office today.
  • Not available ; FlexWhere for desktop is not running or the user is not working.
  • Remote ; The user is at work, but not working in the office.
Updated on 26-06-2024
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