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How far in advance can I book a workplace?

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In FlexWhere, a workplace can be booked in advance. Booking a workstation in advance can be done through FlexWhere’s mobile app (Android/iOS) and through the Desktop application.

An organization can set how far in advance a workstation can be booked. This period is between 1 day and 365 days.

Ask the FlexWhere administrator within your organization to find out the exact period.

Read also: How can I book a workspot?

Please note: As an Admin, if you set the slider to, say, 365 days and then book 365 days in advance and then set the slider back to, say, 30 days, the booking of 365 days in advance will remain. You no longer see the bookings that are outside the restriction.

Updated on 02-11-2023
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