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  4. How do I adjust FlexWhere’s automatically determined settings for Desktop?

How do I adjust FlexWhere’s automatically determined settings for Desktop?

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FlexWhere for Desktop communicates with the backend of FlexWhere via an IP address. From version 3.0 of FlexWhere for Desktop (Windows) this IP address is determined automatically. Based on the IP-whitelist, which is set by your organization, FlexWhere knows which URL is needed.

Sometimes it is necessary to override the automatic URL. These situations are:

  1. There are multiple organisations with the same IP address;
  2. As a FlexWhere customer you want to test something in an acceptance/test environment;
  3. An IT supplier serves multiple customers of FlexWhere;
  4. A FlexWhere employee wants FlexWhere for Desktop to communicate with a customer’s environment.

For the above situations, the automatically determined URL can be modified in the ‘appstettings.json’ config file. You do this by explicitly giving the URL that is correct. This looks like the following:

“AlternativeConfigurationUrl”: “https://.flexwhere.com/tray/config”,

In the example above should be replaced by your own organisation name.

Notice:The default config file included with versions from 2.0.0 to 2.2.0 of FlexWhere for Desktop contains the following lines:

<add key=”AlternativeConfigurationURL” value=https://<clientname>.flexwhere.com/tray/config/>

In the above example, <clientname> should be replaced with your own organization name.

Note: For on-premises customers and customers with a private cloud, the automatically determined URL will not work. Thus, the URL should be added in the appsettings.json config file as described in this article.

Updated on 05-03-2024
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