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What does FlexWhere do with regard to information security?

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FlexWhere is produced by Dutchview information technology BV (Dutchview). Security is critical and is something we take very seriously. This is evidenced by Dutchview’s dual ISO certification.

In addition to its ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certificates, Dutchview takes even more steps to ensure its security.

  • Mandatory TFA. Two-factor authentication (TFA) is a requirement for all Dutchview employees.
  • Encrypted connection. FlexWhere uses an encrypted connection via TLS 1.2 ECDHE_RSA with X25519 and AES_256_GCM.
  • A quarterly data security report. According to the guidelines imposed by ISO, the team behind FlexWhere prepares a quarterly report of any incidents that have occurred. These are promptly investigated and measures are taken to prevent them in future.
  • Reliable email traffic. The email test on internet.nl shows that email traffic is reliable. But we don’t stop there; we have also taken additional email security measures.
  • Good score on internet.nl and ssllabs. According to the guidelines used on internet.nl, FlexWhere has a 100% score on the web environment.
  • Reliable staff. All employees of Dutchview have submitted a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG). Each employee also signs a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
  • Secure Amazon servers. FlexWhere uses AWS data centres. See also this article.
  • Security Officer. The team behind FlexWhere employs its own Security Officer as well. He continually and critcally reviews the state of our security.
  • Management of roles and rights. Dutchview uses a special procedure to ensure the right access for the right people.
  • A processor agreement is available on demand. A processor agreement can be concluded with Dutchview if desired.

For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Updated on 14-05-2024
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