Optimise your office with FlexWhere shared desk software

Blog Optimise your office with FlexWhere shared desk software

Eryka Chowaniec

Written by Eryka Chowaniec


We're excited to announce some significant updates to the FlexWhere dashboard that will greatly enhance the way facility managers and administrators understand and optimise workspace utilisation. Here's what's new:

  • Reservation rate per tag

  • Reservation rate per workday

  • Reservation rate per month

  • Occupancy rate over time

Reservation Rate per Workplace

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Managers and admins can now access detailed insights into the average reservation rate per tag directly from the dashboard. This feature allows you to determine the most desired types of workplaces by showing how often different tagged areas are reserved. Key highlights include:

  • Data Calculation: The system calculates the average reservation rate per tag by dividing the total number of reservations for each tag by the total number of available time slots within the specified timeframe.

  • Custom Timeframes: You can specify the timeframe for analysis, including daily, weekly, monthly, or custom date ranges, to get the most relevant data.

Reservation Rate per Workday

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Understanding workspace dynamics throughout the week is now simpler with our new feature that shows the average, minimum, and maximum reservation rates for each day of the week. This addition helps facility managers:

  • Assess Busyness: Quickly identify the busiest and least busy days of the workweek, aiding in resource allocation and space planning.

  • Optimise Space Usage: Make informed decisions on how to adjust reservations and availability to meet demand.

Reservation Rate per Month

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Admins can now quickly understand monthly reservation trends, providing a clear overview of workspace utilisation. Ideal for spotting trends and optimising workspace allocations. Here are the key benefits:

  • Spot Trends Over Time: Easily identify when your workspace is most and least utilised with monthly tracking. This insight helps in anticipating peak times and planning for future space needs.

  • Make Informed Decisions: With a clear understanding of how often desks and meeting rooms are booked each month, you can make data-driven decisions to improve workspace efficiency and meet your team's needs.

Occupancy Rate Over Time


For those managing multi-story buildings, our enhanced dashboard now offers 15-minute occupation information for each floor, allowing for:

  • Granular Monitoring: Track occupancy levels with high precision, enabling more effective management of space and resources.

  • Long-term Planning: The added data depth supports better strategic decisions, helping ensure efficient use of space and maintaining a comfortable environment for employees

These updates are part of our ongoing commitment to providing powerful, user-friendly tools for facility management. By offering more detailed and customisable data, FlexWhere empowers managers to optimise workspace utilisation, enhance employee satisfaction, and improve overall facility operations.


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