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What roles are there in FlexWhere?

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FlexWhere has multiple roles that can be assigned to users.

Here are the roles:


An Admin can use all the functionalities in the FlexWhere Control Centre. The Admin has the following rights:

  • Adding new users;
  • Maintenance of floor plans;
  • Adding workspots;
  • Add meeting rooms;
  • Overview of the statistics.


The Manager can use the statistics in the Control Center.

Staff member

The majority of users within an organization have the role of Employee. They can see the frontend of FlexWhere. This means that FlexWhere is available to the employee on the web, in the TrayApp and as a mobile app.

Desk planner

An employee who has to manage bookings for groups and other colleagues is assigned the role of Desk Planner.

Updated on 19-01-2021
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